February 1, 2024 marked the 40th anniversary of Fr. Gene Geromel’s ministry at St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church. He was elected vicar of the parish located in Swartz Creek Michigan, a suburb of Flint Michigan. Before coming to Michigan, he served Episcopal parishes in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
He has been married to the former Alicia Marsland who is a teacher, writer and painter. Because of their work, St. Bart’s still has an active youth ministry including Sunday School, youth group and junior choir, plus special events. The two of them founded the St. Michael’s Youth Conference Mid-West more than thirty years ago.
He has been a member of the Society of the Holy Cross since 1986. It is the oldest priestly confraternity in the Anglican Communion. Currently he is the local vicar.
Besides his pastoral duties, he has worked part-time in several fields. For a number of years, he had a private practice in Marriage and family therapy. For nearly half of his priesthood, he was an adjunct professor at several universities teaching management and organizational behavior. His undergraduate degree is in Psychology. He has three graduate degrees: one in Divinity; one in Psychology: and the third in Administration. His Ph. D. is in continuing education. He is also a prolific writer having published nearly five hundred articles and nine books.
In his spare time, he trains in the martial arts. He has a fifth-degree black belt (Go Dan) in Sho Bu Do Ju-jitsu.
The Geromels have four children and nine grand-children.
Deacon Steve is married to his wife, Lisa, and have two children, Matthew and Andrew. He assists Fr. Gene at Mass, reading the Gospel and serving the Chalice. He also helps with sick calls, taking the Blessed Sacrament to those in need.